
About Me

Addicted to coffee sweetened with coke, proactive at its best and lover of code and clean structures.

  • Name: Jean Roldan
  • Date of birth: August 08, 1994
  • Address: Manta, Manabi EC
  • Zip code: 130804
  • Email: jeancarlosroldan2020@gmail.com
  • Phone: +593-97-883-4442



I am a Systems Engineer and Co-founder of the Flutter Ecuador community, I am also part of Qhubit, a very interesting project in charge of offering software services, I love technology and mobile software development with flutter and GO or PHP backend

2016-2017 - EC

Full Stack Developer

F.A.E. (Ecuadorian Air Force)

- (Local Storage Wing 23 Manta) with PHP,LARAVEL, mariaDB
- (weapons storage in wing 23) with PHP, LARAVEL, mariaDB
- (Input management and administration) with C#, SQL Serve 2008 R2

2017-2018 - EC

Full Stack Developer

FishCorp S.A.

- (Precision tank terminal for tuna processing) with PYTHON, LARAVEL, SOCKETS, SQL Server

2019-2019 - CO, ES

NET Developer

NOA I.T. Solutions, LLC

- (Human Talent Module) Services in netcore

2019-ACT - EC


Qhubit S.A
2020-ACT - EC


Google Developer community LATAM

- SPEAKER How to integrate the payment gateway
- State management with Flutter Bloc
- Implementing Hydrated Bloc
- Migrating from Java to Dart and Flutter
- Consumption of Rest APIs with DIO and Freezed
- Accessibility in Flutter
- Analyzing and testing flutter_meedu
- Flutter Festival - Ecuador
- How Flutter manages to draw a Widget on screen
- SPEAKER Flutter applied to medical technologies, with the collaboration of flutter peru

2017-2021 💪 - EC

Software Development Engineer

Unidad Educativa Leonardo da Vinci

- (RING Control) with PYTHON, VB6, LARAVEL, MySql
- (Academic Voting) with LARAVEL, MySql
- (Note Systems) with FLUTTER WEB, Dart, LARAVEL, SQL Server
- (Control Assists App) with Xamarin, C#, SQL Server, Sockets
- (Annual Curriculum Plan) with LARAVEL, MySql
- (Modular Planning) with LARAVEL, MySql
- (Control Assists Web) with FLUTTER WEB, LARAVEL, MySql
- (HR Systems) with PHP, LARAVEL, MySql

2020-2021 - EC

Backend & Flutter Developer

Comisariato Gonzalo Zambrano

- (Central of Warehouse) with PHP,LARAVEL, MySql
- (Management and Administration of CGZ Movil) with PHP,LARAVEL,MySql
- (CGZ Movil) with FLUTTER
- (CGZ Chalitos) with FLUTTER and ANDROID NATIVE SERVICES, GeoPosition, GeoFences”

2021-2021 - PE

SR Flutter Developer

Tr4iner Invadion S.A.C

- SR developer for flutter and modules in Dart

2021-ACT - USA, MX

SR Flutter Developer AND GO Backend Developer


- Team Payments and Team Enterprise (GO, Postgrsql, aws, redis, microservices)
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
- POS for Logistics Orders (Flutter WEB, Dart interoperabilidad for JS)
- APP for Logistics Delivery (Flutter Dart Geolocation Services Native)



Focused on scalability, maintenance and high impact architectures I can offer you the following services


Contact Me

You can contact me by any of these available means